Registration for Teen Confirmation 2024-2025 is closed.
The high school Confirmation program is a two-year process with the goal of fostering and developing the faith life of the youth of St. Norbert church and confirming them in the Spirit to be mature adults in the Catholic faith. Throughout this journey, teens will be able to personalize their faith by engaging in discussions on life, faith, and Jesus Christ.
Before registering for the reception of Confirmation:
Confirmation Program Overview
CLCIK HERE for detailed information on the Confirmation Year 1 Program.
CLICK HEREfor detailed information on the Confirmation Year 2 Program.
Adult Confirmation
The preparation program for adults (age 19 and older) is a 10-week course that begins during Lent. This is a no-cost program. Adult candidates must be baptized Catholic and have received their First Communion. Adults who are baptized Catholic but have not received their First Communion may potentially participate in this program, or RCIA depending on the level of catechism needed. Program participants are confirmed on Pentecost.
For unbaptized adults, please refer to the RCIA Program page.
For more information please email Fr. Erialdo RamÍrez Alfaro at
For more information about the Sacrament of Confirmation, CLICK HERE for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Confirmation handout.