Be who you were created to be,
and you will set the world on fire.
~St. Catherine of Siena
Teen Confirmation
The high school Confirmation program is a two-year process with the goal of fostering and developing the faith life of the youth of St. Norbert Church and confirming them in the Spirit to be mature adults in the Catholic faith. Throughout this journey, teens will be able to personalize their faith by engaging in discussions on life, faith, and Jesus Christ.
This is a journey that teens will not walk alone. St. Norbert church is committed to engaging the entire family in the sacramental preparation process. During these two years, teens will be accompanied by their parents, family, sponsors, godparents, friends, and the greater parish community. This isn’t simply a Confirmation Class; it is our hope that teens will grow and connect with the support of the community that surrounds them.
For more information about the Sacrament of Confirmation, CLICK HERE for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Confirmation handout.
CLICK HERE to be redirected to our Teen confirmation page
For unbaptized adults, please refer to the OCIA Program page.
Adult Sacramental Preparation
(First Eucharist and/or Confirmation)
We invite baptized adults who have NOT yet celebrated the sacrament of First Eucharist or Confirmation to enroll in the Adult Confirmation Preparation program.
Participants must be age 19 or older, baptized Catholic, and not have any sacramental impediments (such as the need for a marriage annulment). Each candidate needs to have a sponsor who is already confirmed Catholic, and married in the Catholic Church (if married).
For more information, complete the form below, call the Ministry Center office at 714-637-4360 or contact Fr. Erialdo Ramírez at ext. 8671 or