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Baptism for Infants and Children, ages 0-6
Baptisms are celebrated twice a month, typically on the second Saturday of the month in Spanish and on the third Saturday of the month in English. When scheduling your child’s Baptism please verify the date by calling the parish office at (714) 637-4360 as Baptisms are occasionally moved to different dates to accommodate other liturgical celebrations.
Parents and godparents are required to attend a Baptism Preparation class on a Monday evening. You will be contacted to schedule your class time.
For questions about baptism, please email Yvette Jaime at yjaime@stnorbertchurch.org.
If you wish to schedule a baptism:
When selecting Godparents for your child, please remember that the godparents provide a witness to faith for the child. Godparents must be baptized and confirmed, practicing Roman Catholics over the age of 16. If married, the godparents must be married according to the precepts of the Church. Each child must have at least one Roman Catholic godparent. They may also have a second godparent, or Christian Witness, who is a member of another Christian church who has received valid baptism and is actively practicing the Christian faith. A child can have only one male and one female as a godparent/Christian witness.
Baptism for Children, starting at age 7 (Grades 1-5)
Children in this age group who have not yet been baptized must attend a special program entitled Order of Christian Initiation for Adults as Adapted for Children. This includes registration for our First Communion preparation, as well as a process that includes classroom instruction for the child and adult instruction for parents and godparents in the second year where they will prepare for the rites. This is a two-year process that follows the September-May academic year. Children completing the two years will receive Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil of their second year. CLICK HERE to register online or contact Araceli Rodríguez at arodriguez@stnorbertchurch.org for more information.
Baptism for Junior High Youth (Grades 7-8)
Junior High School age youth who have not been baptized should enroll in the Junior High Edge program which will include some supplemental instruction to prepare for full initiation. First-year students will attend our Junior High Program on Tuesday evenings. During the second year, they will register for Junior High and participate in the first portion of each class, then move to special instruction for the student and adult instruction for parents and godparents as they prepare for the rites. These young people will receive Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil of their second year in the program. CLICK HERE to register online or contact Abraham Gonzalez at agonzalez@stnorbertchurch.org for more information.
Baptism for High School Teens (Grades 9-12)
High School age youth who have not been baptized should enroll in the High School Confirmation Program which will include some supplemental instruction to prepare for full initiation. First-year students will attend our High Confirmation classes on Wednesdays. During their second year, they will register for Confirmation Year 2 and participate in the first portion of each class, then move to special instruction for the teen and adult instruction for parents and godparents. These young people will receive Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil of their second year in the program. CLICK HERE to register online or contact Abraham Gonzalez at agonzalez@stnorbertchurch.org for more information.
Baptism for Adults
Please refer to the OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults) page.